April 18, 2024

Choosing a Qualified Intermediary for Your 1031 Exchange

When it comes to a 1031 exchange, picking a Qualified Intermediary (QI) isn’t just a box to check; it’s a crucial move. This choice can make or break your tax-deferral dreams, so let’s get down to the brass tacks and hash out how to choose a QI that’s worth their salt.

Navigating the World of 1031 Exchanges

Choosing a Qualified Intermediary: Why It Matters

Think of a Qualified Intermediary as the quarterback of your 1031 exchange. They’re the linchpin that keeps the play moving toward the goal line—tax deferral. But not all QIs are created equal. You’ll want someone who can dodge the tax tackles and sprint to the end zone with your financial goals in hand.

What Makes a Qualified Intermediary Trustworthy?

  • Experience: A seasoned vet trumps a rookie every time.
  • Reputation: Good word-of-mouth is worth its weight in gold.
  • Security Measures: They should protect your money like it’s the crown jewels.

The Criteria Checklist

Essential Qualities of a Stellar Qualified Intermediary

  • Knowledgeable: They should have the tax code down pat.
  • Detail-Oriented: Missing the fine print? Not on their watch.
  • Availability: Good luck comes to those who are there to answer the call.

The Selection Process

Step-by-Step: Landing the Right QI

  • Do Your Homework: Scour reviews and testimonials—homework never felt so rewarding.
  • Verify Credentials: Make sure they’re not just all hat and no cattle.
  • Interview Potential Candidates: A good grilling session reveals more than meets the eye.

FAQs: Picking a Pro

Q: How important is a QI in a 1031 exchange?
A: As important as a compass is to a sailor. Without one, you’re adrift in a sea of tax complexity. A Qualified Intermediary is a crucial and essential element in a 1031 exchange. The QI plays a central role in facilitating the exchange process and ensuring that it complies with the strict rules and requirements established by the IRS.

Q: Can I use my family lawyer as my QI?
A: No, you cannot use your family lawyer as your Qualified Intermediary in a 1031 exchange. The IRS has specific rules and regulations governing who can serve as a QI in a 1031 exchange, and it prohibits certain individuals and entities from acting as QIs to ensure the integrity of the exchange process.

Q: What happens if my QI drops the ball?
A: If your Qualified Intermediary (QI) fails to fulfill their responsibilities or makes mistakes during a 1031 exchange, it can have serious financial and legal consequences for you as the taxpayer. The QI plays a crucial role in facilitating the exchange process, and their errors or negligence can jeopardize the exchange and potentially lead to adverse tax consequences.

Q: How much should I expect to pay for a QI?
A: Typically, QI fees can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, but it’s essential to get a specific quote based on your circumstances. Keep in mind that while cost is a factor, it’s also crucial to choose a reputable and experienced QI to ensure a smooth 1031 exchange process, as mistakes or errors in the exchange can have significant financial consequences.


Choosing a Qualified Intermediary is like finding a needle in a haystack, but with these pointers, you’re well-equipped for the hunt. Pick a QI who’s the cream of the crop, and you’re on track for a successful 1031 exchange. For the ABCs on QIs, check out “What is a Qualified Intermediary” and get clued in on the details.

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